Docker Cluster

User docker container to start a gameluk chain cluster


Install Docker & Docker Compose

For MacOS:

# The easiest and recommended way to get Docker and
# Docker Compose is to install Docker Desktop here:

For Ubuntu:

# Follow the below link to install docker on ubuntu
# Follow the below link to install standalone docker compose

Deploy Gameluk Chain Validators on Docker

Detailed instructions and commands can be found the Makefile

Start a 4 Node Validator Cluster

This will start a 4 node sei chain cluster, each validator node will be running in its own docker container, and each node will also run the oracle price feeder daemon

# If this is the first time or you want to rebuild the binary:
make docker-cluster-start

# If you have run docker-cluster-start and build/seid exist, 
# you can skip the build process to quick start by:
make docker-cluster-start-skipbuild

All the logs and genesis files will be generated under the temporary build/generated folder. To access the service log:

# Monitor logs after cluster is started for node0
tail -f build/generated/seid-0.log

SSH into a single validator node

# List all containers
docker ps -a
# SSH into a running container
docker exec -it [container_name] /bin/bash

Deploy a State Sync Node

Requirement: Follow the above steps to start a 4 node docker cluster before starting any state sync node.

# Be sure to start up a 4-node cluster before you start a state sync node
make docker-cluster-start
# Wait for at least a few minutes till the latest block height exceed 500 (this can be changed via app.toml)
seid status |jq
# Start up a state sync node
make run-rpc-nodesh

Local Docker for Debugging & Testing

One of the fanciest thing of using docker is fast iteration. Here we support:

  • Being able to make changes locally and start up the chain to see the immediate impact

  • Being able to make changes to local dependency repo (Cosmo SDK/Tendermint) and start the chain with the latest changes without bumping or release any binary version

In order to make local debugging work, you can follow these steps:

Local Docker for Debugging & Testing

One of the fanciest thing of using docker is fast iteration. Here we support:

  • Being able to make changes locally and start up the chain to see the immediate impact

  • Being able to make changes to local dependency repo (Cosmo SDK/Tendermint) and start the chain with the latest changes without bumping or release any binary version

In order to make local debugging work, you can follow these steps:

# Clone your dependency repo and put them under the same path as sei-chain
cd sei-chain
cd ../
git clone
git clone

# Modify go.mod file to point to local repo, must use the exact same path as below:
cd sei-chain
go mod edit -replace
go mod edit -replace

# Start the docker cluster
make docker-cluster-start
# You are good to go now! Make changes as you wish to any of the dependency repo and run docker to test it out.

Last updated