A list of frequently asked questions can be found below. If you still can't find the answer to your question below, please follow up on Discord
Is it possible to create a multisig account?
Yes, multisig accounts are natively supported. Here is a simple example of how you can set up a multisig account:
# Add two accounts to your local keychain
gameid keys add ms1
gameid keys add ms2
# Create a multisig account requiring the above 2 accounts
gameid keys add ms1ms2 --multisig-threshold=2 --multisig=ms1,ms2
# Signing and broadcasting a TX
#1.) Define an unsigned-tx.json file with your unsigned transaction
# {"body":{"messages":[{"@type":"/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend","from_address":"MULTI_SIG_ACCOUNT","to_address":"DESIRED_DESTINATION_ADDRESS","amount":[{"denom":"ugame","amount":"10"}]}],"memo":"","timeout_height":"0","extension_options":[],"non_critical_extension_options":[]},"auth_info":{"signer_infos":[],"fee":{"amount":[{"denom":"ugame","amount":"100000"}],"gas_limit":"200000","payer":"","granter":""}},"signatures":[]}
#2.) Sign unsigned tx from both signers (see unsigned-tx.json) and output json files of signed tx's
gameid tx sign unsigned-tx.json --multisig=multisigAccountName --from=ms1 --output-document=signer1_signedTx.json --node YOUR_RPC_URL
gameid tx sign unsigned-tx.json --multisig=multisigAccountName --from=ms2 --output-document=signer2_signedTx.json --node YOUR_RPC_URL
# 3.) Sign tx from multisig account and output to json file of signed tx
gameid tx multisign unsigned-tx.json ms1ms2 signer1_signedTx.json signer2_signedTx.json > signedTx.json
# 4.) Broadcast multisig tx
gameid tx broadcast signedTx.json
Why did smart contract ran out of gas at 300,000?
For all the Gameluk provided public nodes, we have set a maximum gas of 300,000. If your contract requires more gas, you will need to set up your own node and rpc url.
Additionally it is important that you run all your smart contracts through rust-optimizer so that your gas is low and your contract is optimized.
How can I create a wallet given a mnemonic seed phrase?
import { restoreWallet } from '@gameluk-js/core';
//Takes an optional account index
const wallet = await restoreWallet(YOUR_SEED_PHRASE, 2);
// Now your wallet can be used with other @game-js helper functions
const client = await getSigningCosmWasmClient(RPC_URL, wallet);
Resolving "ReferenceError: process is not defined"
The "ReferenceError: process is not defined" error often occurs when developing web3 applications that rely on Node.js-specific libraries, such as process or Buffer. This error shows up because web browsers do not natively support these Node.js modules.
While the @game-js package internally handles these discrepancies by including the necessary polyfills, you might encounter this or similar errors due to other third-party libraries not bundling those dependencies. When this happens, you'll have to manually include the required polyfills in your project.
If you are using Vite or rollup you can add the following to the entry point of your app.
import * as process from 'process';
import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
// Polyfill self for browser and global for Node.js
const globalObject = typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : global;
Object.assign(globalObject, {
process: process,
Buffer: Buffer
If you are using Webpack you can use the following plugin in you Webpack config.
If you are using Webpack you can use the following plugin in you Webpack config.
yarn add -D node-polyfill-webpack-plugin
import NodePolyfillPlugin from 'node-polyfill-webpack-plugin';
... // the rest of your webpack config
plugins: [
new NodePolyfillPlugin(),