Join a Network

Follow this guide to join an existing network through statesync

To quickly stand up a fresh full node and join in the network, it's recommended to sync through state sync.

Install GameID Binary

To stand up a Gameluk node, the first step is to download and install GameID on your machine.

The source code can be found in

Make sure you checkout and install the same version as the chain you want to join.

export VERSION=v3.0.9
export CHAIN_ID="atlantic-2"
export MONIKER="replace-with-your-moniker-name"

git clone
git checkout $VERSION
cd gameluk-chain
make install
gameid init --chain-id "$CHAIN_ID" "$MONIKER"

State Sync

State sync allows a new node to join a network by fetching a snapshot of the application state at a recent height instead of fetching and replaying all historical blocks. This can reduce the time needed to sync with the network from days to minutes.

Clean Up

If you are not starting a node from fresh, then you need to do some backups and clean ups.

# Assuming your gameluk home directory is /root/.gameluk
# backup priv_validator_state.json
cp /root/.gameluk/data/priv_validator_state.json /root/priv_validator_state.json
# backup priv_validator_key.json
cp /root/.gameluk/config/priv_validator_key.json /root/priv_validator_key.json
# backup genesis.json
cp /root/.gameluk/config/genesis.json /root/genesis.json
rm -rf /root/.gameluk/data/*
rm -rf /root/.gameluk/wasm
rm -rf /root/.gameluk/config/priv_validator_key.json
rm -rf /root/.gameluk/config/genesis.json

Note: this step is not needed for fresh nodes

Update Configurations

  1. Set up rpc servers for primary and secondary endpoints. You can use one of the RPC endpoint as primary and secondary in Resources page

# Example: Set polkachu rpc as rpc-servers
sed -i.bak -e "s|^rpc-servers *=.*|rpc-servers = \"$PRIMARY_ENDPOINT,$PRIMARY_ENDPOINT\"|" ~/.gameluk/config/config.toml
  1. Set up trust height and trust hash. Each snapshot is created at a certain block height, and best practice here is to set the trust height to be earlier than the latest snapshot block height to avoid backward verifications.

# Example: set trust height and hash to be the block height 10,000 earlier
LATEST_HEIGHT=$(curl -s "$PRIMARY_ENDPOINT"/block | jq -r ".block.header.height")
if [[ "$LATEST_HEIGHT" -gt "$TRUST_HEIGHT_DELTA" ]]; then
# Get trust hash
SYNC_BLOCK_HASH=$(curl -s "$PRIMARY_ENDPOINT/block?height=$SYNC_BLOCK_HEIGHT" | jq -r ".block_id.hash")
# Override configs
sed -i.bak -e "s|^trust-height *=.*|trust-height = $SYNC_BLOCK_HEIGHT|" ~/.gameluk/config/config.toml
sed -i.bak -e "s|^trust-hash *=.*|trust-hash = \"$SYNC_BLOCK_HASH\"|" ~/.gameluk/config/config.toml

Last updated